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What is prospecting?

Knowing the answer to "What is prospecting?" can help you grow a customer base and sell a product or service. Prospecting comes from the word prospect, meaning potential. It's the first step in the sales process and involves finding potential clients and selling a product or service to them.

What is a lead and a prospect?

Lead What is a Prospect? A prospect is an expected buyer who is qualified with the certain criteria drafted by the business firm. A prospect can be an individual person as well as an organization.

What is a prospect and how do you court them?

A prospect is a potential client, someone who is in the market for your product and has the resources needed to buy it but has not purchased it yet. Once the prospect buys the product, which is always the end goal, they become a customer. So how do you find and court prospects to turn them to a customer?

What is a sales prospect profile?

Searching for people outside of that qualification is a waste of time and resources that are best spent on converting qualified prospects. Sales prospect profiles can be specific and are best determined by the characteristics and actions of existing customers. All of your clients were at one time prospects.

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